
hover text: Now if he were to shoot someone on Fifth Ave,…Naw, still impossible to say. Staring into the ‘roid rage.
Continue Readinghover text: Now if he were to shoot someone on Fifth Ave,…Naw, still impossible to say. Staring into the ‘roid rage.
Continue Readinghover text: Their other name for him is Putz I Least Want To Die For. The Emperor has no pose.
Continue Readinghover text: Or actually, don’t get tested. That would only make our numbers look worse. Typhoid Donny.
Continue Readinghover text: Not a moment too soon. (If you saw last night’s breaking news.) Viral news.
Continue Readinghover text: Actually, those losses were my attempts to reduce wealth inequality in this country. Damned and dumber.
Continue Readinghover text: I wish I could switch bodies with a Canadian. Any Canadian. No taxation.
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