
hover text: I’m working on a new kind of immunity where anybody who tries to investigate me becomes violently ill. Golden boy.

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hover text: He wasn’t expressing fear of criminal prosecutors. A mouse just ran into the room. The first of many he’ll be facing?

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hover text: The forecast for November is mostly chaotic with a chance of undemocratic reign. The Russian affront.

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hover text: It’s true that some day, he might go after the smart people, but I renounced my membership in that demographic long ago. This week’s only link.

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hover text: If you think I’m a fanatical follower of Trumpbert, you should see how I would have followed Hitler. This week’s only link.

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hover text: This is actually a profoundly upbeat strip because they didn’t even consider that they might be in Hell. This week’s main link.

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hover text: It can truly be said that Donald Trump has set a new standard for U.S. Presidents. This week’s main link (spoiler alert!)

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