
hover text: Then I want to capture his reaction to this video, Two girls and a cop. Won’t somebody please think of the armed ones?

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hover text: They aren’t even charging for the food. It’s sheer, incomprehensible madness. CHOP goes the people.

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hover text: Wait until you hear my theory about how there are so many protesters in the streets only because they’re tired of sheltering in place. Some joker.

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hover text: By that same logic, I’m firmly convinced the Tooth Fairy was responsible for my wife divorcing me. Anti-proven.

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hover text: Looks like we’re doing a good job of watching the watchers. Now we just need to work on policing the police. Police futility.

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hover text: I’m shocked — shocked! — that groups the FBI has identified as the greatest current domestic terrorism threat are trying to hijack these protests for violent purposes. White shadows.

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hover text: Then Donald went into the Square of Lafayette and drove out all those who stood for justice in front of the church, and overturned the tables of the food sharers and the seats of those who gave aid. And he said unto them, “This house shall be my photo-op, for I am the […]

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hover text: It’s kind of like those rooms we set aside where babies can be changed or fed, except for executives. Face time.

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hover text: Why are you looking at me like that? I just don’t want the poor guy to have died in vain. You had me at “Nixon and Reagan”.

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