
hover text: When he was a child, a psychologist offered him two marshmallows now or five marshmallows later. He took the two marshmallows now — and stole the bag later. Death march.

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hover text: Today’s strip is dedicated to the voters of Wisconsin, who overcame the most ruthless GOP voter suppression tactic ever. Today’s special link.

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hover text: They help you understand reality better, and we all know what a socialist agitator reality can be. (Not to mention “understanding.”) This week’s only link.

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My sheltering-in-place picture book

I’ve decided to take the week off, but am making this one post to tell you about this sheltering-in-place picture book I created last week. I wrote it in order to provide another resource to parents and teachers looking for material to share with their kids while we’re all on lockdown, and it can be […]

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hover text: Also, the art of flying into a rage and throwing one’s golf clubs into the water hazard, and then cheering oneself up by sexually harassing the waitress at the club restaurant. Bogey man.

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