
hover text: When he was a child, a psychologist offered him two marshmallows now or five marshmallows later. He took the two marshmallows now — and stole the bag later. Death march.
Continue Readinghover text: When he was a child, a psychologist offered him two marshmallows now or five marshmallows later. He took the two marshmallows now — and stole the bag later. Death march.
Continue Readinghover text: But twenty minutes since he had his mid-morning nap. The patience of an ain’t.
Continue Readinghover text: The nutzis didn’t fall far from the tree. This week’s originally only link.
Continue Readinghover text: Today’s strip is dedicated to the voters of Wisconsin, who overcame the most ruthless GOP voter suppression tactic ever. Today’s special link.
Continue Readinghover text: They help you understand reality better, and we all know what a socialist agitator reality can be. (Not to mention “understanding.”) This week’s only link.
Continue ReadingI’ve decided to take the week off, but am making this one post to tell you about this sheltering-in-place picture book I created last week. I wrote it in order to provide another resource to parents and teachers looking for material to share with their kids while we’re all on lockdown, and it can be […]
Continue Readinghover text: I should have worn a mask and gloves. If only we had any. Out, damned lout.
Continue Readinghover text: Also, the art of flying into a rage and throwing one’s golf clubs into the water hazard, and then cheering oneself up by sexually harassing the waitress at the club restaurant. Bogey man.
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