
hover text: And my deliberative conscience by decades of cynical power brokering. Tabled stakes.
Continue Readinghover text: And my deliberative conscience by decades of cynical power brokering. Tabled stakes.
Continue Readinghover text: And then I’ll use my super mental powers to send him into the cornfield. A difference of obstruction.
Continue Readinghover text: While you’re at it, buy me a pony. One of those rainbow ones, like on TV. Who can’t handle the truth?
Continue Readinghover text: I could also show you letters of consent from every woman who’s ever accused me of rape, but I don’t want to violate their privacy. Assassination character.
Continue Readinghover text: Okay, what he actually said was that it would depend on people having a moral compass, but I read that the Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting. Good and evil, neck and neck.
Continue Readinghover text: He’s never seen a subpoena he can’t refuse. And sometimes the dog wags you.
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