
hover text: Day 5: I did not shiv that guy in the yard! Putting the vice back into the Vice Presidency.
Continue Readinghover text: Day 5: I did not shiv that guy in the yard! Putting the vice back into the Vice Presidency.
Continue Readinghover text: I did read the clause in my contract that says I can be thrown under the bus at any time, but it didn’t register with me. Registered offender.
Continue Readinghover text: This is my best idea since I decided to have a rich father. From the ass’s mouth.
Continue Readinghover text: You won’t be able to come up with childishly insulting names for them all. White House to Big House.
Continue Readinghover text: I don’t want to tell you what he thought “e pluribus unum” meant. Impeachy keen.
Continue Readinghover text: Nobody tell him about the custom of prima nocta. Please don’t plead the Garmin.
Continue Readinghover text: First, you have to wear this whistle. One step closer to shooting a guy on Fifth Ave.
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