Category: Strips

hover text: I’m actually really bummed that Scott Adams hasn’t yet threatened to sue me. Thin skin in the game.
Continue Reading2019-09-27

This strip turned one year old on Tuesday of last week! To celebrate, I’m taking this week off and posting reruns of my very first week’s strips. hover text: What doesn’t kill us…nearly kills us. What we can do.
Continue Reading2019-09-26

This strip turned one year old on Tuesday of last week! To celebrate, I’m taking this week off and posting reruns of my very first week’s strips. hover text: SNL just HAS to produce a Donald Trump sketch called, “Are You Snottier Than A Fifth Grader?” in which Alec Baldwin gloats over reducing his young […]
Continue Reading2019-09-25

This strip turned one year old on Tuesday of last week! To celebrate, I’m taking this week off and posting reruns of my very first week’s strips. hover text: Only I can save us from the mess I’m about to get us into. Dr. Frankenstein’s choice.
Continue Reading2019-09-24

This strip turned one year old on Tuesday of last week! To celebrate, I’m taking this week off and posting reruns of my very first week’s strips. hover text: Only I can save us from the mess I’m about to get us into. Dr. Frankenstein’s choice.
Continue Reading2019-09-23

This strip turned one year old on Tuesday of last week! To celebrate, I’m taking this week off and posting reruns of my very first week’s strips. hover text: Making comics grate again. I was born in the house Scott Adams built.
Continue Reading2019-09-20

hover text: Boy, will you be sorry you didn’t let us gut your health coverage sooner. The hypocritical oafs.
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