
hover text: You should see the dumpster full of TVs outside his office window. First do no sums.
Continue Readinghover text: You should see the dumpster full of TVs outside his office window. First do no sums.
Continue ReadingHover text: If he’s not clever enough to concoct a scheme where his father buys millions of dollars of chips from his failing casino that he never bets or cashes, then he deserves to have cancer. Daddy Dearest.
Continue Readinghover text: Why can’t you just be funny like other comic strips? Preexisting inhumanity.
Continue Readinghover text: Marie Antoinette was actually just trying to market her new baked goods delivery app. We’re #1!
Continue Readinghover text: And that we frankly don’t even believe actually exist. Anatomical correctness.
Continue ReadingHover text: Could I donate my mental health coverage to the President? Freudian slippage.
Continue Readinghover text: Yes, the GOP attempt at a healthcare bill was in 2017, but I doubt they’ll try it again until Trump’s second term, and since I’m in denial that that can ever happen, I’m addressing the subject now. All for one and…uh…that’s about it.
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