
hover text: And those are great tans you have. Did you just get back from the Bahamas? Just the ma’am facts.
Continue Readinghover text: And those are great tans you have. Did you just get back from the Bahamas? Just the ma’am facts.
Continue Readinghover text: If Trump had been Jesus, he would have cut a deal with the Romans to crucify Mary Magdalene instead.
Continue Readinghover text: Hold on. I just realized you’re black on the left side and white on the right! They’ll be here all week.
Continue ReadingVacation rerun: a favorite strip from the past. Read the whole week of strips it was part of starting here. hover text: Breaking the fourth reich. This week’s only link.
Continue ReadingVacation rerun: a favorite strip from the past. Read the whole week of strips it was part of starting here. hover text: He’s still second fiddle to that Nixon guy, but I have faith in his ability to eventually pull ahead. For those who are keeping score.
Continue ReadingVacation rerun: a favorite strip from the past. Read the whole week of strips it was part of starting here. hover text: If I could have given you all jobs myself, I would have, except I prefer to hire illegals. Lies of the land.
Continue ReadingVacation rerun: a favorite strip from the past. Read the whole week of strips it was part of starting here. hover text: “Hedges Or Children” would make a great band name. Or campaign slogan. Some boring stats on the economic impact of immigrants.
Continue ReadingVacation rerun: a favorite strip from the past. Read the whole week of strips it was part of starting here. hover text: The rules of the toad. Play it again, Sam.
Continue Reading2019-07-28: Vacation announcement Though I’m currently on vacation, I managed to post all of last week’s strips, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to keep it up through the rest of my trip. So I’ll be posting reruns this coming week. However, to make up for that, I’m making today’s monthly bonus […]
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